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  • Writer's pictureAnnie Aniel

Outraged Millennials - Why and how to overcome this.

Updated: Apr 12, 2019

Many people have the wrong idea about millennials, in their head, they are the entitled, irresponsible, and lazy youth. But actually, millennials (millennial generation, Generation Y) is the phrase used to generally describe a person who reached adulthood in the early 21st century and covers the generation of people born between 1980 and 2000. So they’re not youth but young adults.

So why are most millennials outraged?

Most of us in our late 20’s and early 30’s are going through a lot. We are officially an adult. How many times have you heard people saying that adulting is hard? We are facing personal problems and we are frustrated and are constantly on a battle of trying to succeed and making our parents proud. Some of us are trying to start a family, some are trying to find their purpose in life, and some are just lost.


We are actually very blessed to live in this generation today. We have the foundation from our parents where we are taught to fear God and work hard for anything we want. Millennials are also the largest, and most educated generation in history. We also have technologies that are growing exponentially in front of our eyes. What we have to do is to learn how to balance everything and use these advancements to our advantage. The question now is how? Here are some tips on how we can do this:

  • Set your goals and reach them. In order to go somewhere, you must have a destination. List down your goals, make sure that they are attainable and work towards that. Break it down and start in the smallest way to way to stick to them. You all know this, small things count. Sometimes it’s the smallest things that get us where we are. Always motivate yourself and keep track of your improvement. This way, you can always pause and think about your next step.

  • Be grateful. Seems very simple but some of us are forgetting about this. Yes, you may be facing challenges but hey, you are alive and it’s not the end of the world. With a lot going on we are always on a rush or comparing our lives to other people on social media we keep forgetting about how blessed we truly are. Appreciate the little things, the healthy body we have, the clothes we are wearing, the food we’re eating, the water we’re drinking, the roof over our heads, and the people around us, our friends and family.

  • Travel. Seems off topic but it’s actually really helpful. When we travel we experience new things and we learn a lot. We get out of our comfort zone and that helps us to grow and be matured and sensitive. It doesn’t have to be far away, it could be somewhere local. It’s not the destination, it’s the journey. You can have an adventure anywhere you prefer. Aside from learning and experiencing new things, it’s also a lot of fun! The excitement of planning will make you happy and take your mind off your problems for a bit. Giving you something to look forward to will help to keep going.

  • Read. Not just novels but educational things. There a lot of outstanding articles, blogs, e-books that will be our best tool on the internet. We are a few clicks away from becoming better.

  • Work smarter. You can be a young entrepreneur and you can use your time wisely by outsourcing, finding help from other professionals working as freelancers on the internet. Hire a virtual assistant to do admin stuff or anything you need that can be done on the computer. Or, you can be one, enroll in online courses and learn how to be one. Working as a virtual assistant myself has been extremely great, you can work at home or while on vacation as long as there’s an internet. With that, you are more productive and happy.

Are you a millennial? Do you agree with everything written above? Tell us more in the comment section below. Thank you for reading!

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